It could not have been a better first week and there's still a few more days to go.... Here are some photos I have taken around the garden. My room is where the two double windows are in the yellow part of the house on the second floor (right below the roof). And as you can see all of the bulbs are going nuts right now......
Here is a closeup of that madness..........
A beautifully done espalier against the wall........
The front meadow again with a clipped hedge......
Simple pink Camelia blossoms in a simple pink vase in the pantry kitchen........
On the way to Peasmarsh to get some groceries I saw this view down someones driveway. I thought it was pretty appropriate to show that I have officially "landed".
There are trails that you can take throught the countryside called footpaths and pedestrians have the right of way even though they go through private properties. I followed some and kept waiting to get shot at but never did. There are so many fields you get to walk to and so many beautiful views. There is a windmill that I plan on walking to and also a castle. So far these guys are the only living things I have encountered....
Another foot path that I call the "scary footpath" because it was dark from all the pines and huge, massive doves kept flying out and startling me, and it was also getting dark. I plan on going back to this spot though to see the ferns when they awaken (they are the brown on the lower right).
This is my favorite neighbor so far, his name is Ringo and he calls and calls when I come to visit. You will love my new friend......
On Tuesday I had the pleasure of going to Wisley Gardens with Fergus where he was to judge some perennial plants with others. These are the trial fields of Wisley where all of the plants are available to the public in the trade. It was great to see all of the information regarding the plants.
And here is my first sighting of our favorite celebrity tree, the Monkey puzzle tree (
Araucaria araucana). It seemed he didn't want his photo taken as he kept flipping me off.......
Wisley is well known for it's fruit orchards and programs...... I know one fine lady gardener who has been looking into this program.....................
The beautiful hillside garden with it's many glorious conifers........
And the new glass house at Wisley, a beautiful shape.
I also went sheep herding with Fergus' sheep too............ I am now a country boy. And here with any further ado is Ringo...............